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Why did we open Ministry?
We love our training, unfortunately pre 2010 we felt that there was no gym in Bristol that really catered for people who felt the same.
Corporate gyms seemingly only cared about their profits and ramming the gyms full of people to the detriment of their existing members. Private gyms were too small to cater to many disciplines.
So we decided that we would open the biggest independant gym in the South West that caters for as many people as we could.
Also we didn’t want to tie people into contracts if they didn’t want them as we felt that was unfair and we had both been the recipient of nasty letters from big corporates demanding money when we left their gyms
Today, we cater for over 800 members over 2 large units and we have members from professional boxers to champion bodybuilders and a lot of everyday people who love our personal and family atmosphere where there is no judgement of any kind.
Everyone at Ministry is there for the same reason
To be the best they can be, and we love helping our members achieve their goals
Over the last 8 years we have invested over £100k back into the gym to continually improve it for our members. Our members make up the life of the gym. Without them we would not have the amazing atmosphere that we enjoy every day[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space height=”10″][vcex_image_banner heading=”We are open EVERY day” caption=”Opening Hours” image=”3081″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mofgym.co.uk%2Fabout%2Fopening-hours%2F|||”][vc_empty_space height=”10″][vcex_image_banner heading=”Built from a shell” caption=”We beat the odds to open” image=”734″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mofgym.co.uk%2Fabout%2Fbuilding-the-gym%2F|||”][vc_empty_space height=”10″][vcex_image_banner heading=”We invest in the best” caption=”Best kit for the best workout” image=”2808″][/vc_column][/vc_row]